
All posts for the month August, 2012


Published August 25, 2012 by Robyn


I caught a train yesterday (approximately 6 1/2 hours) up to visit my Mum on the mid north coast. It is a multipurpose visit. I wanted to spend a bit of time with my Mum, plus I want to be around when she gets some biopsy results next week. But I also realised that I am very unhealthy right now. I am not in good shape at all. Here there is clear air (I think this is why always for the first day or two I’m here I get dizzy spells – the air is a lot cleaner here and my lungs are used to sucking in dirty city air). Plus I needed to put some physical space between myself and some complicated situations in Sydney. I need clear space to think. I was digging myself a dirty little city grave. I can’t believe I have been treating myself so poorly.

So, I’m taking it easy for a couple of days. Already I have spent the morning watching pelicans wait for the fishing boats to come back, done some Op shopping (I bought a dress, a top, and an antique-looking necklace, all for $7.50! Yay me!), done a bit of harmless, friendly flirting with the man in the cafe bookshop, and caught up with my uncle (the husband of my very favourite aunty-she is no longer with us, unfortunately).

I spoke with my brother on the phone (he lives in Nth Carolina)- I don’t get to speak with him much as I only have a cell phone, so it is always nice to actually here his voice.

There are some Blue Tongue Lizards that live in the yard here. There is Louis, the three-legged big daddy one who lives under the house. Lisa who lives under the old barbecue, and various babies when it’s the season – there’s some little ‘uns there now. Plus, there seems to be a new man on the scene – a rival for Louis. Poor Louis, apparently Lisa and her new fella were canoodling up there the other day and poor old Louis was off a little ways, all on his lonesome. Louis, maybe you need to woo her. Bring her up some tasty snails or something!

I haven’t got any pix yet from up here yet. I tried to take some from the train yesterday, but the window reflection is on all of them, but I will take pix in the days to come and put them up.

Well, now I am going to put my feet up, and read a book.

Take care.

V ❤

Sucked In By The Mechanical Turk!

Published August 11, 2012 by Robyn
Image representing Mechanical Turk as depicted...

Image via CrunchBase

A few days back after reading an article on making money online I applied to Amazon‘s Mechanical Turk. They had little jobs listed for ridiculously small amounts of money, but I was figuring every little bit helps. I have plans y’all!

When you submit your application, MT is heavy on their requests for personal information – home address, phone number. Because I believed that they were kosher – they may be, but I really have my doubts, I completed the required information. Silly me.

I waited a couple of days then received an email (I deleted it in anger, otherwise I would’ve copied and pasted it here) basically saying they regret to inform me that I am not able to do any work for them.

Um, what did they base their assessment on?

If there is such a rigorous selection process (don’t understand why. The tasks appear to be quite simple, and they certainly don’t pay well for it) why at this point did I need to supply them with my address and phone number?

Maybe Mechanical Turk is not a scam, and I am really so inept as to have been rejected by them. But…

Has anyone else had any dealings with Mechanical Turk? If so, what were your experiences?

But for now F**k you, Mechanical Turk! You’d better not start spamming me!


On “Do You Believe In Soulmates?” (yet another Plinky)

Published August 9, 2012 by Robyn

Wandering Souls

  • This is my personal view only. So…Warning. May contain nuts.Soul Mates 

    I used to. I used to believe it so much that when things were not going so great in my life the idea of there being someone out there, my soulmate,the perfect fit spurred me on. It’ll be ok. Love conquers all. Blah, blah,blah. I’m not happy that I don’t believe in soul mates anymore. It feels that everything one clings to or holds up as a shining beacon gets snatched away. We live in a stark and brutal world. I wasn’t sure whether or not I should answer this question because I don’t want to hurt anyone out there who is still clinging on to “the soul mate” idea plus I don’t want to offend. This stuff might work for some. Help them get through an illness or other difficult time. And that’s awesome! But as for me, my “soul mate bubble” burst quite a way back.

Winter of Discontent

Published August 7, 2012 by Robyn
English: Khansar in cold winter

English: Khansar in cold winter (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Winter is always tough for me. I don’t know whether it’s circulation or what, but I feel the cold really quickly and it hurts! (I’m imagining someone reading this in a country that does really get cold thinking ” She doesn’t know what cold is!”)

In sync with the temperature dropping so does my mood, but my anxiety levels go up. A lot. It’s ridiculous. Then my immune system can’t handle it and I get sick. And so it goes until the weather starts to get warm again. I usually just batten down the hatches and wait for Spring, only venturing out when I have to. I’m so used to it it’s something I’ve almost come to accept – my Underworld vacation. Not all vacations are fun.

This Winter though has been particularly difficult. Many (too many) things have happened that have made me actually have to face myself (I usually manage to wriggle out of that somehow). Not this Winter though. I haven’t had that “luxury”. And I haven’t coped well.

BUT I think there may be a bit of Spring in the air these last few days, even though it’s still cold and the August winds haven’t really kicked in yet. We can only hope.


Shark In The Water!!!

Published August 4, 2012 by Robyn


This was another question I answered in Plinky. The question was “What is a fear you’ve overcome?” Once again I wasn’t able to post it here directly. There is a problem but I can’t see where it is. Anyway:

Shark In The Water

  • This is a very silly fear.

    Ha! This is about a fear that I have kind of overcome. Overcome as far as I can write about it, but not overcome enough to be able to load up any images of my nemesis. For a reason I have never been able to fathom, as in I have never had any related scary experiences, I have been terrified of sharks! Terrified enough to have fainted when suddenly confronted with an image of a shark. When I was around 10 years old while at swimming training I became paralysed and had to be rescued(kinda half swim half being dragged to the edge) because I had somehow managed to convince myself that there was a shark in the pool. Anyway, these days, with a lot of concentration, watering eyes and pounding heart I am able to at least look at sharks as long as I am prepared for it and it doesn’t look too scary. I have also walked through Sydney Aquarium twice now, once when my brother was visiting from the U.S. and once with my son. He held my hand real tight and kept saying “It’s all right Mum, if you need to you can squeeze my hand really really tight.” Bless 🙂 So what I am finding is as I’m getting older it’s getting easier to face the monster (in fact sharks are really beautiful, streamlined creatures). I still react (scream, knees go from under me) if I’m faced with one unexpectedly, but mostly now I’m good. Really.

    What are you scared of?

    Till next time

    V ❤

I came across a new flower yesterday! Well, it’s new for me anyway. It’s called Orchis italica or Naked Man Orchid. I got quite carried away pinning images onto my Pinterest board – In The Garden. These flowers are intriguing and I wanted to find out more.

When I decide to do a bit of research on something I love to be bombarded with information and images. Well, there were lots of images, but information seemed to be a bit more thin on the ground. What I have found is mostly sourced from Wikipedia with some more sketchy little bits from others, but here goes….

Orchis is a genus within the orchid family. “Orchis” (Greek) means testicle, and these plants are so named because of the appearance of the paired subterranean tuberoids, which they have instead of pseudobulbs (which as far as I can gather is what other orchids have). They are extremely diverse in appearance. There were originally more than 1300 names contained within the genus “Orchis”, however, since it is polyphyletic (derived from more than one common ancestor or ancestral group species), it has been divided into several new genera – Ponerorchis;Schizodium;Steveniella.

These orchids have an erect stem and start flowering at the base, slowly progressing upwards, except for the Monkey Orchid (Orchis simia) which flowers in reverse order.

The Orchis italica – the central subject of my search appears to be from the Meditteranean region. The flowers appear to have little man faces on them (well most, I believe), plus arms, legs and penis. What more could a guy want?

I have also discovered there is a Naked Lady Orchid. I saw some photos of both Naked Man and Naked Ladies taken in Abruzzo, Italy, so I am figuring they are quite abundant there.

I’ve only added a couple of photos. still trying to find out how to work that photo thang properly, but there are lotsa images out there, or check my In The Garden board. I think I ended up keeping about 5 pix.

V ❤

PS: Since beginning to write this post I have also come across more on the Monkey Orchid. Amazing! – some links to articles below.


Pardon My Absence (and My Past)

Published August 1, 2012 by Robyn
Pardon My Past

Pardon My Past (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Please forgive my absence over the past days, but the seas have been rough. There have been times when I thought my heart was breaking and that the darkness would completely engulf me, eat me alive.

However, it didn’t and I am still here. Ready for another round. Not dead yet;) Planning on staying around for awhile. Mebs.
