
All posts for the month July, 2011

Another sleepless night

Published July 4, 2011 by Robyn

Awake AGAIN most of the night!  After several nights of little sleep I’m starting to feel that silly, super-sensitive “don’t look at me the wrong way or I’ll cry” feeling.  However, I did manage to sort through some of the tangled mess. Here is a bit of what I’ve(kinda) worked through:-

Music – This has always been my “raison d’etre“.  I never chose music, music chose me. But what I have chosen is to remain faithful this time – not get scared and back off.  The thoughts that accompany this are “Violetta, you just suck!” But truth is, I don’t.  I am actually very good.

Family – I am in regular contact with my two oldest daughters for which I am more grateful than you could ever imagine.  My younger daughter and son still think I’m a scary, loopy nutcase =  (yes, several peeps helped them arrive at that, steam coming out of my ears as I write this) BUT, I’ve realised, they are now old enough to think for themselves and draw their own conclusions (21 and 19 as I write this).  I am in contact also with my Mum and my sister and brother and their families, Yay! They are very patient with me as I am the worst at “keeping in touch”. And I love them all!

Love –  Walking through a minefield or playing Russian Roulette are safer passtimes than falling in love, yet we continue to strive.

Friends – Trust is the big issue, working on that.

So, these are some of the things I thought about last night waiting for sleep – please Sandman, can I make a booking for tonight?

Take care

Violetta ♥


Just Sayin’

Published July 2, 2011 by Robyn

This idea kept me awake last night:-  It is the idea that the multiverse shapes itself around our ideas and expectations and provides exactly what we expect. I know this, at least that has always been my experience but I always forget until the concept is shoved right under my nose again, and usually, as in this case after a prolonged “underworld” phase which tends to come around for me in winter. But enough’s enough man! I’m gonna be watching my thoughts and expectations etc etc etc. And while I could never, and would not want to bcome “all sweetness and light”, my attitude sure as hells needs an overhaul.

Violetta x

PS:- If anyone’s interested, check out Jerry Griever on YouTube – Gateways Cover. There are some female vocals on there. That’s me.